21 research outputs found

    Implementation of Configuration Management Virtual Private Server Using Ansible

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    Virtualization technology has been applied to universities with computer study programs to support practicum in Network Management courses. Each user gets a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with container technology. VPS system that is prepared manually requires a long time, especially when the number of users is increasing. The activity repeats every semester so it becomes ineffective and inefficient. Application of automation using Ansible can help to manage VPS objects in the Promox Virtual Environment (PVE) Cluster dynamically. Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) was used as a method in this study. The design of the VPS management automation system created supports the grouping of container, user and permission resource management for users. The design is implemented in Ansible Playbook. The test results show the average time of making VPS objects per student with an automation system 2 (two) times faster, that is 26.25 seconds compared to the old system which takes 2 minutes 15 seconds. Besides that, the Playbook that was created succeeded in automating the start and stop containers per group of students based on the practicum schedule dynamically so as to maintain the availability of services from the PVE Cluster. &nbsp

    Automated University Lecture Schedule Generator based on Evolutionary Algorithm

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    university is a complicated work so in the implementation it have violation of the constraints and it also takes a lot of time since it is created manually. In this paper evolutionary algorithm (EA) is used to create an effective and feasible schedules based on the real data input that is obtained from each department. The objective functions in EA contribute in gaining the fitness function to solve the constraints problem in the schedule by applying weighting for each hard constraints. The objective function is gained from the total of infringement in each soft constraints addition by score weighting. The genetic operator used in EA is stochastic variation Operator. As far as the reproduction operator is concerned, the tournament selection was used with size 3. Crossover operator is conducted after selection process with crossover probability equal to 0.05 and mutation rate is 0.1. The size of population was set to 9 and stopping criteria algorithm was left run for fitness value = 1. The simulation result shows that EA can create lecture schedules efficiently and feasibly. Moreover, it is also faster with the execution time of the proposed EA is less than 30 and easier than creating manually

    Application of Domain Keys Identified Mail, Sender Policy Framework, Anti-Spam, and Anti-Virus: The Analysis on Mail Servers

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    Viruses spread through email are often sent by irresponsible parties that aim to infect email users' servers. This background encouraged the author to analyze the application of DKIM, SPF, anti-spam, and anti-virus to avoid spam, viruses, and spoofing activities. The goal is for the server to prevent spam, spoofing, and viruses to ensure the security and convenience of email users and prevent the impact of losses caused by them. The design and analysis of DKIM, SPF, anti-spam, and anti-virus applications use the NDLC methodology. The process includes designing spam, spoofing, and virus filtering systems and performing installation and configuration simulations. The next stage is implementation, during which the previously developed system is tested on the spam filtering system, spoofing, and viruses. The last stage is the monitoring stage, where supervision is conducted on the approach to determine its success level. This study concludes that applying the DKIM protocol can prevent spoofing through private and public key-matching methods for authentication. Meanwhile, the application of the SPF protocol can prevent spoofing by authorizing the IP address of the sending server. Additionally, SpamAssassin, ClamAV and Amavisd-New can prevent spam and viruses from entering by checking email headers, bodies, and attachments

    Evaluasi Penerapan Teknologi Informasi E-Learning Pada Kampus Swasta Menggunakan Cobit 4.1

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    An online learning system (e-learning) at private tertiary institutions is built to facilitate lecturers and students in the teaching and learning process. Through the e-learning learning information system students can download course material, send assignments, work on daily and semester exam questions, find out the value of assignments and examinations. Bumigora University has been implementing e-learning since 2017. Thus to determine the usefulness and feasibility of applying the application must be evaluated in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution. In this study the evaluation of the application of e-learning will use the COBIT 4.1 framework with the domain monitoring evaluation. The results of this study determine the level of maturity of the application of e-learning applications today (as-is) and the expected maturity (to-be)

    Pemberdayaan Pengrajin Perak Melalui Market Place sebagai Media Penjualan Online di Desa Ungga,Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

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    The impact of the industrial revolution era 4.0 has been switched from a traditional system to a digital. Therefore, craftsmen also must follow the changing of this era to sell their handicrafts that previously used a traditional sales system where buyers have to go to the counter/gallery selling silver, especially the silver handicrafts in the village of Lombok, Central Lombok. The output of this community service is that craftsmen have an online shop as a medium for selling the silver handicrafts in Ungga. This online shop can be accessed by residents all over the world anytime and anywhere in making an online store uses the word press content management system because it probably solves the problem to increase the product sales.Dampak era revolusi industry 4.0 kita harus beralih dari system tradisonal ke digital,sehingga pengrajin juga harus mengikuti perubahan era tersebut untuk menjual hasil kerajinannya yang sebelumnya menggunakan system penjualan tradisional dimana pembeli harus ke counter/galeri penjualan perak khususnya hasil kerajinan perak yang ada di desa Ungga Lombok Tengah. Output dari pengabdian ini adalah para pengerajin memiliki toko online sebagai media penjualan hasil kerajinan perak pada Desa Ungga Lombok Tengah,toko online tersebut bisa di akses oleh penduduk seluruh dunia kapanpun dan dimanapun.Pembuatan toko online menggunakan content management system wordpress karena dapat mengatasi masalah yang terjadi dan dapat meningkatkan penjualan produk

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyiraman Otomatis Berbasis Internet of Things Pada Tanaman Hias Sirih Gading

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    Kemajuan teknologi dari waktu ke waktu telah berkembang dengan pesat sehingga dapat memberikan banyak kemudahan bagi manusia untuk melakukan pekerjaan sehari-hari seperti melakukan perawatan pada tanaman hias yang berada di dalam rumah. Salah satu contoh tanaman hias yang ada dirumah yaitu tanaman sirih gading. Untuk merawat tanaman diperlukan air untuk melakukan penyiraman. Penyiraman yang teratur merupakan rutinitas penting di lakukan untuk menjaga tanaman terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara rutin dan terjadwal dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sensor dan internet of things (IoT) untuk melakukan kontrol dan pemantauan. Teknologi tersebut dapat digunakan untuk membangun sistem yang berfungsi untuk melakukan perawatan dan penyiraman pada tanaman hias sirih gading. IoT merupakan sebuah sistem yang memungkinkan setiap device dapat berkomunikasi, melakukan kontrol dan pemantauan melalui jaringan internet. Hasil yang dicapai setelah penelitian ini dilakukan yaitu dihasilkan sebuah sistem penyiraman otomatis berbasis internet of things dengan menggunakan NodeMCU yang terintegrasi dengan Telegram untuk melakukan perawatan dan penyiraman pada tanaman hias sirih gading. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu suhu lingkungan pada tanaman berada pada rentang 24oC–29oC dan rata-rata error pengukuran suhu menggunakan sensor DHT11 yaitu sebesar 2,07%. Pengukuran kelembaban tanah pada tanaman hias sirih gading berada pada rentang 47%-65%

    Bandwith Optimization on Hotspot using PCQ Method And L2tp VPN Routing for Online Game Latency

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    VPN L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) is available on one of the services at Mikrotik. L2TP is a development of PPTP and a combination of L2F. The network security protocol and encryption used for authentication is the same as PPTP. However, to communicate, L2TP requires UDP port 1701 so that the security is better, L2TP is connected to IPSec to L2TP/IPSec. An example of its use is for the Windows operating system, which by default the Windows OS uses L2TP/IPSec. However, the consequences in terms of configuration are not as simple as PPTP. The client side must also support IPSec when implementing L2TP/IPSec. In terms of encryption, of course, encryption on L2TP/IPSec has a higher level of security than PPTP which uses MPPE. Traffic passing through the L2TP tunnel will experience overhead. The L2TP protocol is more firewall friendly than other types of VPNs such as PPTP. This is a big advantage if using this protocol, because most firewalls do not support GRE. However, L2TP does not have encryption, so it requires additional services to support higher security. So the author concludes that it will be easier to configure with online games. Online game is a type of computer game that is currently growing and requires a computer network . The networks that are usually used are internet networks or internet wifi and the like and always use current technology, such as modems and cable connections. Therefore, internet service providers (ISPs) must provide stable and fast internet quality. Bandwidth Needs Online games must be supported by an internet network that supports the speed and stability of the internet connection, especially the stability of the latency of the online game itsel

    Development of OnlineWeb-Based New Student Graduation Application in Junior High School

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    The student graduation information system is integral to managing and carrying out school information system activities. Especially in Junior High Schools (SMP) today, many still have not used a website-based information system due to the new internet network entering this area. In meeting the admin’s need, in particular, to deal with the problem of passing the distribution of receiving information or announcements, documentation of activities, teaching materials, and registration of new student participants have not run optimally as expected. In the system development method in this research, the author uses the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with the Waterfall model approach, which consists of 5 stages: analysis, design, implementation, testing, and implementation. The system design tool uses the UML (Unified Modeling Language) method using use-case diagrams according to system requirements. In developing the SDLC method in this study, the authors used it until the design stage. The results obtained from this research are a Web-based application system for new students’ graduation. With this tool, several related files will be generated. This new system can improve the quality of further student admissions, graduation information and school information through the website

    Penerapan Algoritma Cosine Similarity dan Pembobotan TF-IDF System Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru pada Kampus Swasta

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    The era of globalization is marked by the development of technology and information, this has an impact on the human need for information. PMB(Reception New Students) is a routine college activity at each opening of new teachings. The implementation of PMB is not without questions that has been asked before. By making use of technology information the an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) was born which contain answers of the questions that are often asked by people who are need information. To reduce the question repeatedly, then an FAQ answering system was built by applying TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document) and the cosine similarity algorithm. TF-IDFweighting is a method for giving weights the relationship of a word (term) to a document is based on two concepts, namely frequency of occurrence of words in a document and frequency inverse documents containing the word. Meanwhile, cosine similarity is a method used to calculate the level of similarity between two objects. This method calculates the similarity between two pieces the object represented in two vectors using keywords of a document as a measure. This study uses 7 data samples from all FAQ data obtained from an interview with Ms. Susilawati, S.Kom. The sample data used will go through a processpreprocessing, TF-IDF weighting, and the cosine similarity method fordetermines the highest level of similarity that will come out as a result end. By using TF-IDF weighting and the cosine similarity method on 7 sample data can get an accuracy rate of up to 64,28%.Era globalisasi ditandai dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, hal ini berimbas pada kebutuhan manusia akan informasi. PMB (Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru) merupakan aktivitas rutin perguruan tinggi pada setiap pembukaan ajaran baru. Pelaksanaan PMB tidak luput dari berbagai pertanyaan yang sudah pernah ditanyakan sebelumnya. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi maka lahirlah FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) yang berisikan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang sering dilontarkan oleh orang-orang yang membutuhkan informasi. Untuk mengurangi beban pihak PMB dalam menjawab pertanyaan secara berulang-ulang, maka dibangunlah sistem penjawab FAQ dengan menerapkan pembobotan TF-IDF (Term FrequencyInverse Document Frequency) dan algoritma cosine similarity. Pembobotan TFIDF merupakan metode untuk memberikan bobot hubungan suatu kata (term) terhadap suatu dokumen berdasarkan dua konsep, yaitu frekuensi kemunculan kata di dalam sebuah dokumen dan inverse frekuensi dokumen yang mengandung kata tersebut. Sedangkan cosine similarity merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung tingkat kesamaan (similarity) antar dua buah objek. Metode ini menghitung similarity antara dua buah objek yang dinyatakan dalam dua buah vektor dengan menggunakan kata kunci (keyword) dari sebuah dokumen sebagai ukuran. Penelitian ini menggunakan 7 buah sampel data dari keseluruhan data FAQ yang didapat dari wawancara dengan Ibu Susilawati, S.Kom. Data sampel yang digunakan akan melalui proses preprocessing, pembobotan TF-IDF, dan metode cosine similarity untuk menentukan tingkat kesamaan tertinggi yang nantinya akan keluar sebagai hasil akhir. Dengan menggunakan pembobotan TF-IDF dan metode cosine similarity pada 7 data sampel bisa mendapatkan tingkat akurasi hingga mencapai 64.28%

    Analysis and Implementation of Comparison Between Podman and Docker in Container Management

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    The increasing use of the internet makes the implementation process more accessible, but the problem is that it is difficult to manage network management, with the emergence of container technologies such as Docker and Podman as efficient application management solutions. This research compares Docker and Podman regarding container management using the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) methodology. This study evaluates three parameters: accessing the Fedora project registry, handling images or ISOs, and user access in containers. The results show that Podman performs better regarding registry access, is slightly faster with images, and offers faster user creation. Overall, the study concludes that Podman is superior, demonstrating compatibility with Docker and proving its efficacy in container management